Category: Indian

  • Mirchi Kharda

    Mirchi Kharda

    Mirchi kharda is a Maharastrian recipe. Hot and spicy chutney made with Green Chilli and peanuts. Very easy to make and normally served with bhakri, roti etc. Ingredients: Preparation Heat a pan and add oil. When the oil is hot, add cumin seeds. When the seed starts to pop, add garlic cloves and green chillies.…

  • Nombu Kanji

    Nombu Kanji

    Step 1 Ingredients – for nombu kanji (rice porridge) Preparation Wash and soak red raw rice, green gram, garden cress seeds, fenugreek seeds together for 30 minutes. Around three cups for water is used for soaking. In a pot, add this mix and bring it to boil. Add 3 more cups of water and cook…

  • Chicken Chapli kabab

    Chicken Chapli kabab

    When we talk about the kebabs, the image that come to us is the meat around the skewers. Here is a special recipe of flattened kebab with a special masala mix. Chicken chapli kebab is an easy to make chicken recipe and a favourite street food for all. Make some patties out of this Chicken…