Pappada Pulinkari


This is an easy to prepare dish using Papad. Different types of papad ki subzi are there and this recipes using fresh coconut.

Step 1 :


  • Fresh Coconut – 5 tbsp
  • Tamarind – lime sized
  • Chilli Powder – 1 tbsp
  • Coriander powder – ½ tbsp
  • Fenugreek powder – ¼ tbsp
  • Black pepper powder – ½ tbsp
  • Asafoetida – ¼ tbsp

Add the above mentioned ingredients to a bowl. Add some water and grind it to a smooth paste. Add 2 to 2.5 cups of water to make curry like consistency.

Step 2 :


  • Coconut oil – 2 tbsp
  • Mustard seeds – 1/2tbsp
  • Dried red chillies – few
  • Curry leaves – few
  • Shallots chopped – handful
  • Papad – 4 to 5 nos ( to be added at the end)

Pour the coconut oil onto a pan. When the oil is hot, add the above mentioned ingredients to it. Saute till brown in colour. This gives the special flavour. Add the already prepared Puli curry to this. Bring it to boil. Be careful while adding salt as papad is already salty. Add some curry leaves. Finally add crushed papad and mix well.

You can even have this curry without adding papad. Try it with rice !!!